A new acquisition today... at least! We've leveled-up too! Can't wait to get that tiger...
This only proves I am so free from the cramming echoes this afternoon. Okay, from where I left it off in relation to Honeyfied history…
My fourth year high school came, I had nothing much to expect aside from graduating with decent grades. I got used from the idea of moving my life forward and be a little proper. I decided to get Rendel out of my head for a while, his absence in the campus was too much help at that time. It was during those times that I tried to get serious with the male populace posing as nuisance to my existence. Sure today I say I love Honey's love letters – all because they are exceptional and made by Honey. During my last year in high school, I so casually got cards and letters which only made me wrinkle my forehead! Nevertheless, I experienced for the first time how to accommodate the specie from the opposite sex in a close encounter. I tried to be nice. I tried to get the essence of having them accommodated in the first place. To this date I am very sure that none of those guys would say I was nice at all.
I remember 3 events where Rendel showed up. I was 15 years old, too much confined to ideals and had fears of the unknown.
The first encounter, as I recall was the preparation for the school Foundation Day. Being a close friend of the class president and a member of the working committee, we decided to work on our props overnight at Grace's house. Grace was our only classmate at that time who volunteered her house as a venue for the props preparation. Grace's sister was at that time the girlfriend of Rendel's cousin too. Too much affiliation really tsktsktsk… The scenario: It was dark and we were busy painting the tomb (props only) when Rendel showed up with his twin cousin Angela. I for one wasn't expecting that one, I thought he was in a land far far away, but then there he was standing before my very twinkling eyes! Yes, twinkling eyes and worse, I felt the hotness in my cheeks and my insides trembling for excitement I wanted to jump with joy but I couldn't! That was just one of the moments in my life that I'd rather die because of shame. Right now I am trying to recall how that night ended, but I guess what really happened was I pretended to be busy that the moment didn't sink in my head until the time Rendel left. Whew!
The second encounter, as I recall, was during the 3rd day of the Foundation Day. I didn't know Rendel's intention at that time but nevertheless from what I can remember, we spent time talking in the DBC room with the band conductor. At that time I remember I was composed already, wasn't stammering and all that. I can't remember how long we stayed there with Sir Nestor, but I can recall the topic were horror stories. It was during this particular encounter that Glenn took photos of us in the band room, which later he will use as his indispensable tools to get close with me. The moment ended and it was time to say bye.
The third encounter, as I recall was during one school day, late in the afternoon after class was dismissed, I saw Rendel at the shed outside the campus and I think he dropped by to get his school papers. If my memory serves my right, we agreed for him to visit me at home later that night. I waited for him that night but I was not really doing any preparations at all. It was raining, I was frying something when he arrived. The scenario: I remember my late lola was there in the living room sitting in front of her sewing machine, my lolo was watching tv, my aunt and my little cousins were there too while my mom stayed in the kitchen when I received my visitor, not to discount the raindrops from the old ceiling! That house was built by my lolo in the early 1950's, really ancestral, but I guess we just both didn't mind it all. Nothing much really happened, but that was the first and the last time that I received Rendel at our old home. He was telling me he would go with his family to Cebu again and would be very busy processing their migration papers. I think we talked about "US" – which now I find really amusing especially when i recall the way I behaved! It's fortunate to this day Honey can fabricate stories about this encounter, my memory is somehow old now and some pieces are already missing... But anyway, like I said, I was young, I was too much confined to ideals and had fears of the unknown. That night, Rendel and I agreed to keep the line open and exchanged details. That was the first time in the whole of 3 years that we held hands for a little while, and then we bid goodbye.
This is already a very long post and I don't intend to keep my Honey reading, you still have to read some materials in preparation for REDS, and by the way Honey, that book you put in the bathroom is really nice! ;) I'm writing the rest of the untold stories soon ;)
What's been happening lately:
I could only blame myself for Honey's exceptional wit and talent!
Lately, he would just easily insert this song (below) as an excuse or an alibi…
It is amazing and amusing how Honey manages to get away with it all! Outwits me all the time...