So I am Honeyfied until the 30th

So Honey went on an emergency leave to attend Papa Efren's funeral. Today, Honey officially completes his 1st month of stay here in Davao. I'm telling myself this early not to put drama on the last 3days! Whatever… the petition was approved already yippppppeeee! It won't be long until Honey and I will be together again, and this time, I can feel reality in my very bones! I think I am changing my blogger address to http://www.honeyfiedforever.blogspot.com soon ;)


Goodbye Honey’s Dad

I thought I could be having a father at last, too bad. Honey's dad died on the 18th of July – the day before they were about to go back to the States – due to post surgery complications. The guy was cool I should say, humorous, stubborn and enjoyed booze =)

I only had less than 10 encounters with Papa Efren but somehow I will miss him too – I'm glad we were given these few encounters to get to know each other. I had a dream and I'm naming one of our future children Efren – only if it'd be a boy haha! So Papa Efren, wherever you are, peaceful journey, and until we meet again…