On Cash Management

With all the bills, taxes, utilities, and a savings account to build up, effective cash management is really a must. Honey signed us up at mint.com so could have a visual map on our budget and our cash flow. We actually started last month but the results were not appealing, we figured we should wait until this month when we would already have dis-positioned our budget and expenses altogether. Good news is, April is almost over and we are still within our budget and that is really a job well done. Before mint, we would just go watch a movie every weekend that would cost us about $100 a month, buy fastfood if we feel it and end up spending $150 or so. Little things that are actually very affordable usually get us into spending more, and so we figured it was time we set a budget for certain spending categories because little expenses just add up. What's good with mint is you would know instantly where you are at with your budget and how you are doing wit it because it gives you a graphical data, and you would really want to see color green to yellow on that graph and avoid becoming red, and we really feel excited about it.

With a mortgage savings, an emergency savings fund, and our personal savings to build up, Mint isn't a bad idea at all. Not to mention student loans, car loans, and small credit card bills. Ohhhhh America!


Chiffon Cake

Baking this chiffon cake is getting into my routine. This is one of his orders that I have to comply in order to make his morning coffee complete.

I think I am becoming a pro at this. I need to buy more cake moulds to save time and energy!


The Mechanic

Yesterday we went to buy Honey his tools in compliance with the requirement of his new job. He's got it all set in one average-sized toolbox and now I can say that he looks legit for the job.

This picture was a caught-in-the-act thing while he was testing his head lamp. He also did a dress rehearsal last night trying to see if he looks good on his uniforms. He didn't like the pants they provided him because it was too baggy, so he bought himself new working pants. He is missing a safety shoes though, but he said his day-to-day shoes would do already.

I will post a whole body photo of him in his complete uniform soon...


Cosmopolitan Magazine

That's Fergie, to fast forward your mind from thinking...

I found this mag on the study table when I got home today. I love cosmo, I never missed an issue when I was younger, but I got nothing to do with this one on the table, and it could only be my husband.

I thought it was a new issue, so I texted him why we have this... He said its from the bathroom :) Okay... He folded a page for my reading that's why its here right in front of me now.

Got to enhance the reading skills back. Haha!


His Dream Photo

He didn't look too happy, did he? Let's make your dream come true honey by taking this first step, one, two, three... Strike a pose!!! Haha! My husband is just head over heels with Chloe Grace Moretz eversince she was only Hit-Girl in Kick Ass.... Ohhhhhh....