Getting Ready!

In preparation for my infinite getaway with my Honey, I had to prepare big time for my mom. The preparation includes a laptop and a speedy reliable internet connection so I and my mom could still communicate everyday if she wants to. Honey has been very supportive with this preparation; he knows very well that this is the very first time that I'm going to live away that is half the world away from my mom. Since birth, it has always been me and my mom sharing the bed together (the sanest explanation why I can't sleep alone), and my mom needs time to get used to living the next days without her precious she devil daughter. For the most part she has to get used to the silence, to sleeping alone in our room, and to the unsolicited slavery. She has no master to serve now – in the physical sense; however, it is time for her eyes thru her lenses to get used to rendering her sermon in front of the computer screen – in a virtual sense! Yeah, what my mom would really miss is someone who she can vent her angst to. Haha!

So here I am, testing the net connection that was installed thru the help of my cousin's boyfriend, in fairness: the signal is satisfactory. For the last hour I already taught my mom the following techie things:

  1. How to turn on the computer;
  2. How to properly log off thru shut down;

I've created her Yahoo ID, so the learning also includes:

  1. How to sign in to Yahoo Messenger;
  2. How to look for my name and start sending me messages

So far, all that came out from her mouth were… kalisud ba aning computer!


I can do this!

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