We Have Been Eating Math

I am still in awe why in every test that we have to take we always have to deal with loud mathematics. If not all, at least the basics. My brain is getting old and lazy and its not fun to do some long mathematics refresher in preparation for that one test you've been dreaming to score the highest. Duh...

In between Honey and me, he is the most susceptible to mathematics learning. I know that I need not stereotype or give in to the stereotyping, but I admit, in our case, the guy is always good at numbers. I just hate numbers forever! That doesn't mean though that I could not deal with them. I have been trying.

The test that we are about to take on the second week of July will have Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge. I have been doing well with the previous and I am battling with a lot of formulas in the latter. We did a short test together last night and it seems that I have so far retained and absorbed all that I have reviewed so far, and it feels great! Really.

Two weeks to go before the big day. This test will determine if we will qualify in the Military. This is part of the steps we are taking to join the United States Navy.

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