54 Days to Bootcamp

I just thought about doing things for fun, and documenting every moment of it in an album called 54 Days to Bootcamp.

We never really had a real traveling the world adventure since we got married, but I t guess this time we have to do something that we could bring to cherish while we are in and not talking and seeing each other in 3 months. We have been in a 3-year long distance relationship, and we are 100% sure we could pass the 3 months away from each other, or something like that since we will be in the same facility anyway.

The album I am referring to will be in Facebook, of course, where else? I am cooking one southern food tonight and that will be my very first photo in the countdown. We will eat dinner tonight on our bed, at 11:30, while watching Saturday Night Live. Hey, that is something, right?

That's What You Call "GENES"

My husband is not the type who would speak his mind, as with the majority of the male populace I guess. Never, ever, in all the years that we have been together have I heard him comment anything about me, at least physically.

Until one day, he said...

"Baby, you walk just like your mom, do you know that?" - yup, blew it in my face just like that.

Hey! That wasn't fair! I hate the way my mom walks! Simply put, I couldn't take my husband's comment! IT HURTS! It HURTS REAL BAD!


Tutorials by JFotography

Tutorials by JFotography

I just found another source of inspiration for my photography ambitions! In fact, I am trying her tutorials right now. Tomorrow, if it will not interfere with my daily exercise schedule, I will pose as my own model. I need to learn playing with lights first. See ya!

Please visit JFotography and see for yourself!


... I'm afraid this is going to be on a day to day basis now. I'm good with my milk and fruits, plus I take my multivitamins, I have no idea why my ankles are so sensitive. I'm pretty sure it's not my shoes too because I got a good running shoe... Must be my age.. Tsk!


Injured Everyday

Aha, that is exactly what I get for not letting my feet recover. I am getting used to running though, and if you have a husband who takes care of your injury, you would rather be stubborn right? More running! Two months to go!