54 Days to Bootcamp

I just thought about doing things for fun, and documenting every moment of it in an album called 54 Days to Bootcamp.

We never really had a real traveling the world adventure since we got married, but I t guess this time we have to do something that we could bring to cherish while we are in and not talking and seeing each other in 3 months. We have been in a 3-year long distance relationship, and we are 100% sure we could pass the 3 months away from each other, or something like that since we will be in the same facility anyway.

The album I am referring to will be in Facebook, of course, where else? I am cooking one southern food tonight and that will be my very first photo in the countdown. We will eat dinner tonight on our bed, at 11:30, while watching Saturday Night Live. Hey, that is something, right?

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