The first time is the hardest


Talking about Honey's ebay and real estate business progress today, the above title was quoted.

This post is all about this post's title only. As much as I'd like to take you further to a rather interesting juice of this statement, I guess Id rather leave everything unsaid. ;)

Two dates passed by unattended as far as I could recall, but since tomorrow's a holiday at my end, we are going to have a date!


Making Babies!

…that wouldn't take 9 months.

Yesterday I thought of trying online photo generator, regardless of the accuracy, to have an idea what our future baby will look like. I tried www.makemebabies.com and www.morphthing.com but to my dismay though, they keep on rendering ugly babies! Like I really gave these two sites 3-5 tries before I finally gave up! These sites don't deliver a 90% accurate image at all. I made sure I submitted a very good looking-frontal photo of me and Honey and yet they keep on giving us a Chinese-like smiling but ugly-looking baby to my horror!!!

I am quite confident of my genes and Honey as well, but somehow I couldn't get that dreadful image of that baby out of my head.


The Latest Lifeline

Since Honey bought a new phone, we discovered a new phone app that we could use as an alternative to our long-distance love solution. This newly-discovered phone app is called Fring, and whats great about this is that it lets me be Honeyfied for free, so long as there is a net connection! I recommend Fring and I should say it is way way better compared to other VOIP phone apps.

Last night I already gathered screenshots of the Fring call details in preparation ^*^

I'd Say My Honey's Mr. Desperado...

9 photos with Danica Patrick? What an attempt! ;)

Honey went to the Nascar Race this morning and first thing when he woke up I guess he read my text message - a request to take photos. I didn't expect he'd send me almost a hundred photos for a one day affair - and 9 of those photos as seen above, well... an attempt as I said haha!

This post should supposedly be entitled "Serendipity or Desperado?" as was agreed, but I figured its clear he was really Mr. Desperado ... Don't you think so? Honey's just lucky its not Kylie on that ad. *^*


It was Full Moon

Full Moon
as defined by Kara is a monthly phenomenon which occurrence is normally caused by nature but occasionally is triggered by the elements of the Power Rangers and/or Bertud ng Putik. For those of you who are not familiar with what I'm saying – I might be disclosing the story soon ;) SOON.

Two days ago, a hot-tempered me vented all the irrelevant anger out to my innocent Honey over the phone. Poor poor Honey. I knew it was Full Moon but Honey didn't have any idea. The she devil sent a text message to the royal highness asking for his understanding and all *^* - but still I found out Honey didn't get enough sleep because of my tantrums again. Guilty.

That was not considered LQ though.

Anger management session perhaps?

Dot dot dot – only for record purposes.

There shouldn't be a next time!

I'm cutting my horns off!


He WAS Beautiful

See that? Such a vintage photo huh? That's my Honey 11 years ago! I didn't know he had a hair this long if not for Honey's mom who told me about this last weekend. It was his hair that originally got me, I was hurt when I found out Honey's keeping this photo from me, haha! Nah not really, actually, Honey, accordingly just didn't want to hurt my feelings that he was once beautiful. Look at those curls!!! I want to have the same curls! The curls was just effortless... I'll have this photo printed and bring it to the salon and have it copied on my hair! I just hope Mr. Moon could copy the curls...



I am still Honeyfied!

Honey's been left there alone and it's his birthday next week! I was telling him I'm so sad for him he will not have anybody there to celebrate it with but he says who cares? ß That's actually my Honey's tagline, which gives me an idea... Hey honey! How about "REDS Global – Who Cares???" haha! So you.

Went to the airport today to see Honey's parents, and now I am thinking, what could be some of the royal duties that I should be performing? I know I should be performing some royal duties, but then again, thinking about it now, I'd rather keep it to myself and not tell Honey about this or I should be hearing the crunchy who cares??? I brought his mom her siopao request by the way – that should be kinda like our Step 1 of 100 while they are on vacation.

I am still getting used to riding this faulty elevator to and fro our newly-rented office – makes me think of college, only that those elevator in college got Mr & Miss Operator hehe.

Thinking thinking of a birthday gift… Hmmmmm….