It was Full Moon

Full Moon
as defined by Kara is a monthly phenomenon which occurrence is normally caused by nature but occasionally is triggered by the elements of the Power Rangers and/or Bertud ng Putik. For those of you who are not familiar with what I'm saying – I might be disclosing the story soon ;) SOON.

Two days ago, a hot-tempered me vented all the irrelevant anger out to my innocent Honey over the phone. Poor poor Honey. I knew it was Full Moon but Honey didn't have any idea. The she devil sent a text message to the royal highness asking for his understanding and all *^* - but still I found out Honey didn't get enough sleep because of my tantrums again. Guilty.

That was not considered LQ though.

Anger management session perhaps?

Dot dot dot – only for record purposes.

There shouldn't be a next time!

I'm cutting my horns off!

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