The Endearments

Honey and I started calling each other by our nicks. Normal. It was later on during our textmate-days that I still called him Bong, and he called me Kara but out of the blue sometimes called me My Baby or My Darling or Sweety. One pretender couldn't deny the fact of these old time pull-offs because I had it documented. It is weird how I kept our old time text messages in my phone!

Anyway, we ended up with the Honey-Baby endearments. Honey for Honey - Baby for me. When i feel super super inlove to the max tho I call Honey, My Darling Sweetheart.

It was when we were in the love-zone already that I somehow became conscious of the endearments. I mean, well as far as I am concerned, I wanted something that is not cheesy, I wanted something sweet and really endearing. The endearment was my important pivotal point as never ever yet in history did I ever use it to a person, or never ever yet did I give value to an endearment before, never EVER until I was Honeyfied.

Last weekend I asked Honey how he ended up calling me Baby. He said, he just wants to call me his baby. I, on the other hand decided with the Honey because Honey is sweet like honey, and I like the song Honey Honey and I like the sound of H-O-N-E-Y. Honestly, if its others calling me baby I could kill them. I never liked Baby until Honey and I was uncomfortable with the Baby until Honey.

For the two of us, each only has a Honey and a Baby. For our future kids, Honey will have to think of something to call them hehe. When I get old, Honey has to call me Seasoned Baby - I guess. =)

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