Honey's Exercise Ordeal

As promised, I am giving you an update.

We have a deal that Honey should lose weight before we have our little photo shoot. So far, he has been consistent with his football on weekends, and added to that, he bought a punching bag so he could literally lose weight WHILE STILL EATING WHAT HE LIKES TO EAT AT ANYTIME.

So... Today is my dayoff, and I had the chance to take photos of him in the patio doing his thing...

In addition to that punching bag, there is also this little exercise machine sitting in there that I only know as "The Health Rider"...

I also use the health rider when I am in the mood for some exercise, I do 500 crunches in a day. The health rider actually works your whole body.

I also would not like to discount the fact that Honey bought a set of this DVD called "Beach Body"...

The Beach Body includes five workouts: Total Body, Lower Body, Abs, Cardio, and Yoga Flex. I have to be honest that making Beach Body a daily routine is really an ordeal, I tried it a couple of times because I want to get rid of the baby fat in my thighs, and the rest of the times I just ignore it. I'd rather ignore it than do it, its a 10-minute exercise per workout category and it really sweats you out! The day after I'd be sore all over and I still have to wear high heels to work, and that makes it not fun.

Honey can really be self-disciplined, when he says he'll do it, he will find time for it so he can do it. I hope when the photo shoot day arrives, he will be in good shape, he did it last year, I am sure he can do it this time.

1 comment:

Swexie said...

you do 500 crunches a day??? wow! I wish I could do that without hurting my back. =(