Pre-Natal Vitamins

The moment after I had my PAP test, I had to send the doctor's assistant to get Honey from the lobby so we could start with the pre-natal consultation. I was in contraceptive pills for a year and I figured planning the first pregnancy is vital. Honey and I are living a healthy lifestyle anyway but we just thought of properly taking the steps towards this baby thingy.

The doctor gave me 2 vitamins to start with. I read it somewhere to at least take these vitamins three months before conceiving. I started taking last week because I had a long way to go, oh my! Aside from the OB-Gyn visit, I have to complete my tooth work, one root canal session, one filling, and wisdom tooth extraction. America could really be tough on this one, I had to be on the waiting list to have somebody perform all of these procedures, its unimaginable. I easily get paranoid that I would have unbearable toothache or what not in the future because of the fact that I don't have good teeth, and I don't think I can handle that one so better prepare now and take a lot of food that are calcium enriched. My best friend for one, suffered unbearable toothache for her whole pregnancy, poor her, so I am on my toes here ready to be geared up! Hoping that all the preparation would work.

I got the PAP-test result today and I am negative of cervical cancer fortunately, but I am somewhat negative with the pox virus and thus I had to get that shot too before we move on to trying to conceive.

Doctor gave me a chart to track my cycle, and she said to try to conceive on the 14th day after the 1st day of my period. Well, good to know. This is hella exciting!


Swexie said...

I'm excited for you, too!!!! =)

kaRR said...

Thanks Sweetheart!